Percussion done to Metronomic Precision on JS aka The Best’s Bossa Nova

Sidon Faris

JS aka The Best offers a new way to approach percussion on Bossa Nova. Continuing his study of sound already shown in his countless commercial works, he takes on percussion in an emotionally charged fashion. Far away from the idea of a time-keeping device, he infuses the concept with the utmost emotion. The result of this strategy is something that truly touches the soul. All of his pieces have this similar cadence, a looseness that is liberating. By refusing to pigeonhole himself into one style, the tracks flow one to the other in a lyrical fashion.

Vocals add to this heightened state. Quite liberating the approach does draw from his own background, one that includes his classical percussion training. The movement towards a more organic sound within electronic music is a relatively recent one and most overseas with the likes of the Moritz von Oswald Trio and Elektro Guzzi. By keeping the work within a more pop-oriented context, however, JS aka The Best sidesteps the trend of the experimental for something a bit more accessible.

Good headphones and good speakers are a must for the way that JS aka The Best sculpts the sound that deserves to be heard in the highest fidelity. Bossa Nova stuns and shows off JS aka The Best’s exquisitely crafted layers.