Nobody Can Stop Twiggii’s Rise to the Top

Sidon Faris

Twiggii’s own personal journey to arrive into the hallowed pop sphere is inspirational. Along her artistic trip she has shifted from ballet to ballads, metal to magnificent opera. Quite an unusual story, she’s faced a fair amount of hardship along the way. Her accident at 17 prevented her from continuing in ballet, developed throat nodules preventing her from continuing in opera, yet she never stops. With her producer Brunel Wekho she has managed to turn these setbacks into fuel for her own pop vision. Upon listening to her songs, the sense of defiance is palpable. Simply put, she has put up with enough to know exactly how to overcome anything.

One of the great signs of good pop is its ability to inspire. Her music does draw from her gospel background, the concept of faith looming large. This is not faith within a religious context but faith in oneself, something far too often overlooked. By keeping things focused on her voice and on her message, the songs burst with pure joy, the celebration of the self.

As Robert Frost once wrote “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference”. Isabella has continuously followed a circuitous path to end up here, and that path included moments not usually found on a pop resume (metal, gospel, ballet, opera). Those moments are part of her experience, and these moments breathe life into her compositions.

Twiggii is an artist that deserves your attention.